In order to decongest the hospitals, all asymptomatic patients without comorbidity should be shifted to appropriate COVID care centres immediately.

The Maharashtra government on April 30 issuesd strict directives to all hospitals regarding treatment of patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.
In order to decongest the hospitals, all asymptomatic patients without comorbidity should be shifted to appropriate COVID care centres immediately, and COVID and non-COVID hospitals should ensure that no admissions are granted to asymptomatic positive patients without comorbidity, said the State government.
Similarly, patients in private hospitals should be stamped and sent away for home quarantine after proper counselling according to GoI guidelines.
Hospitals should collect swabs of all the suspected COVID patients on top priority and ensure that reports are collected within 12 hours. Hospitals should also ensure that patients are triaged as per the cinical conditions and shifted to CCC, dedicated COVID health centre or dedicated COVID hospitals.
In case of the death of a COVID positive patient, the hospital administration should ensure that the dead body is shifted from ward within 30 minutes of death and should dispose body within 12 hours.
The mobilisation of the ambulances within Mumbai city limits should be controlled by the Disaster Management Department of the civic body.
The Directors of Health services should prepare SOP for screening, transferring, admitting and discharging patient.
Each patient requiring hospital admission will be assigned a Unique ID by the round-the-clock on-site team of the Mumbai civic body’s disaster management department without which admission will not be granted.
These orders will come in to force from 10 a.m. of May 2, 2020.