Cross platform scrollable bottom sheet with virtualisation support, native animations at 60 FPS and fully implemented in JS land :fire: – rgommezz/react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet

Cross platform scrollable bottom sheet with virtualisation support and fully native animations, that integrates with all core scrollable components from React Native: FlatList, ScrollView and SectionList. Also, it’s 100% compatible with Expo.
npm i react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
yarn add react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet
If you don’t use Expo, you also need to install react-native-gesture-handler and react-native-reanimated libraries along with this one.
Compatibility table
You may add some touchable components inside the bottom sheet or several FlatList widgets for horizontal mode. Unfortunately, not all interactable React Native components are compatible with this library. This is due to some limitations on react-native-gesture-handler, which this library uses behind the scenes. For that, please follow this compatibility table:

Import Touchable Flatlist
react-native iOS
react-native-gesture-handler Android Android, iOS

As you can see on the table, for any touchable component (TouchableOpacity, TouchableHighlight, …) you need to have different imports depending on the platform. The below is a snippet you may find useful to abstract that into a component.
importReactfrom”react”;import{Platform,TouchableOpacity}from”react-native”;import{TouchableOpacityasRNGHTouchableOpacity}from”react-native-gesture-handler”;constBottomSheetTouchable=(props)=>{if(Platform.OS===”android”){return(<RNGHTouchableOpacity{…props} />);}return<TouchableOpacity{…props} />};exportdefaultBottomSheetTouchable;
Horizontal Mode
For this mode to work properly, you have to import FlatList from react-native-gesture-handler instead of react-native.

The below is an example using the core FlatList from React Native as the scrollable component.
importReactfrom’react’;import{Dimensions,StyleSheet,Text,View}from’react-native’;importScrollBottomSheetfrom’react-native-scroll-bottom-sheet’;constwindowHeight=Dimensions.get(‘window’).height;functionExample(){return(<Viewstyle={styles.container}><ScrollBottomSheet<string>// If you are using TS, that’ll infer the renderItem `item` typecomponentType=”FlatList”snapPoints={[128,’50%’,windowHeight-200]}initialSnapIndex={2}renderHandle={()=>(<Viewstyle={styles.header}><Viewstyle={styles.panelHandle} /></View>)}data={Array.from({length: 200}).map((_,i)=>String(i))}keyExtractor={i=>i}renderItem={({ item })=>(<Viewstyle={styles.item}><Text>{`Item ${item}`}</Text></View>)}contentContainerStyle={styles.contentContainerStyle}
}conststyles=StyleSheet.create({container: {flex: 1,},contentContainerStyle: {padding: 16,backgroundColor: ‘#F3F4F9’,},header: {alignItems: ‘center’,backgroundColor: ‘white’,paddingVertical: 20,borderTopLeftRadius: 20,borderTopRightRadius: 20},panelHandle: {width: 40,height: 2,backgroundColor: ‘rgba(0,0,0,0.3)’,borderRadius: 4},item: {padding: 20,justifyContent: ‘center’,backgroundColor: ‘white’,alignItems: ‘center’,marginVertical: 10,},});
There are 2 types of props this component receives: explicit and inherited.
This is the list of exclusive props that are meant to be used to customise the bottom sheet behaviour.

Name Required Type Description
componentType yes string ‘FlatList’, ‘ScrollView’, or ‘SectionList’
snapPoints yes Array<string | number> Array of numbers and/or percentages that indicate the different resting positions of the bottom sheet (in dp or %), starting from the top. If a percentage is used, that would translate to the relative amount of the total window height. If you want that percentage to be calculated based on the parent available space instead, for example to account for safe areas or navigation bars, use it in combination with topInset prop
initialSnapIndex yes number Index that references the initial resting position of the drawer, starting from the top
renderHandle yes () => React.ReactNode Render prop for the handle, should return a React Element
onSettle no (index: number) => void Callback that is executed right after the bottom sheet settles in one of the snapping points. The new index is provided on the callback
animatedPosition no Animated.Value<number> Animated value that tracks the position of the drawer, being: 0 => closed, 1 => fully opened
animationConfig no { duration: number, easing: Animated.EasingFunction } Timing configuration for the animation, by default it uses a duration of 250ms and easing fn Easing.inOut(Easing.linear)
topInset no number This value is useful to provide an offset (in dp) when applying percentages for snapping points
innerRef no RefObject Ref to the inner scrollable component (ScrollView, FlatList or SectionList), so that you can call its imperative methods. For instance, calling scrollTo on a ScrollView. In order to so, you have to use getNode as well, since it’s wrapped into an animated component: ref.current.getNode().scrollTo({y: 0, animated: true})

Depending on the value of componentType chosen, the bottom sheet component will inherit its underlying props, being one of
FlatListProps, ScrollViewProps or SectionListProps, so that you can tailor the scrollable content behaviour as per your needs.
Imperative method to snap to a specific index, i.e.
bottomSheetRef refers to the ref passed to the ScrollBottomSheet component.
There is an Expo example application that you can play with to get a good grasp on the different customisation options. In case of Android, you can directly open the project here. For iOS, head to the example folder and run the project locally:
$ npm install
$ npm start
The library has been written in Typescript, so you’ll get type checking and autocompletion if you use it as well.