An industry insider has revealed Government guidelines to allow safe return to work for seven key sectors could be in place for a year due to fears the virus is seasonal

Social distancing measures could be in place in work places, including offices, public transport, shops and schools, for as long as a year once lockdown is lifted, according to reports.
Stationary sharing will be banned, time-constrained face-to-face meetings only held if absolutely necessary and one-way systems and screens could all be introduced.
As the death rate rose yesterday by 288 to 28,734 the smallest increase since last month leaked guidance showed the Government is considering relaxing the ­two-metre distance rule for some businesses as they slowly start to get the economy moving.
But the plans outlined in the documents to industry groups, covering seven key sectors of the economy, recommend companies adopt extra measures – will reportedly remain until after the winter.
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A sign describing social distancing guidelines due to COVID-19 for office workers (Image: AFP via Getty Images)
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An industry insider has told The Sun the new measures will be in place between six and 12 months, before a “gradual winding down” early next year due to fears about the virus being seasonal.
The source said: If it survives the winter, these measures will have to be in place longer.
The draft Whitehall documents also propose closing office lifts and canteens and putting tape on the floor to mark where people should stand.
Extra cleaning should be introduced in office spaces and the use of protective equipment should be considered where maintaining a distance of two metres between workers is not possible.
Customer-facing employees could be guarded by plastic screens, while continued home working and staggered shifts should also be encouraged, the guidance says.
Other measures include communal facilities like photocopier being limited, as well as hand sanitisers on train platforms and safety guidance for homeworkers, as well as shoppers being urged to buy food alone and taxi drivers using contactless.
The proposals by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) are among a list of guidelines in seven documents drawn up after consultation with executives, trade bodies and unions.
Schools in the UK could begin phased returning in June (Image: UGO AMEZ/SIPA/Shutterstock)
A Government spokesperson said: “The Business Secretary continues to work with businesses, union leaders and the science and medical community so we can ensure workplaces are safe for those who will go back to work once the measures are relaxed and give people the confidence to return to work.”
Boris Johnson is expected to unveil his roadmap for easing lockdown restrictions on Sunday, but is not expected to set firm dates.
Social distancing markers displayed on floors could be the norm until 2021 (Image: Getty Images)
The Prime Minister is, however, likely to confirm the “phased” reopening of schools alongside the guidelines he has sent businesses and trade unions for how to make workplaces safe for returning staff.
The PM has also said the government is “looking at” relaxing laws restricting supermarket opening hours.
Frances O’Grady, general secretary of the Trades Union Congress (TUC), said the issue of employee safety should be at the “top of the Prime Minister’s in-tray”.
As part of “tough new measures” to protect workers, the TUC has called for businesses wanting to re-open to first pass risk assessments carried out by unions or health and safety officials.
“Everyone wants people to get back to work safely so we can get the economy back on its feet,” Ms O’Grady said.
“But workers have to know and be confident that their health and safety is being put first.
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Coronavirus outbreak
“Otherwise we are going to see the virus spread again and be back to square one.”
Primary schools in England could be allowed to reopen as soon as June 1 under possible plans being discussed by  Boris Johnson.
Part of the road map is expected to be a “phased” reopening of schools, where some pupils will be sent back first, with others kept at home for longer.