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Unpopular opinion: I want him to survive it, barely.
Donald Trump’s cartoonishly dishonest regime has lied to the American people at every turn regarding this virus. He’s done the following:

  • dismissed it as a “Chinese issue”
  • downplayed COVID-19’s severity
  • begrudgingly admitted the virus was a concern
  • flared tensions by making China a scapegoat rather than address his own incompetence in containing the viral spread
  • politicized mask wearing so that his rabid voter base would support opening the country back up, ironically endangering those same Conservatives who resisted taking necessary precautions
  • blatantly prioritized the economy over citizens’ well-being
  • more than 200,000 Americans are dead
  • he still has a cavalier attitude about it

I want him to lose breath, cough his heartless chest cavity out, lose the ability to taste, struggle to breathe for a month or so, and then, perhaps maybe, recover from it so he can feel what a “hoax” it was.
However, in regards to Melania: “I don’t really care, do you?”
Edit: several people are responding to this but I can’t see the comments.