The Railway Department will be charging ₹50 extra per passenger travelling in the special trains being operated between various States.While the Tamil Nadu government is yet to make any requests for b

The Railway Department will be charging 50 extra per passenger travelling in the special trains being operated between various States.
While the Tamil Nadu government is yet to make any requests for bringing in migrant labourers and students, railway officials said the extra charges would be applicable across all special trains to be operated in the country.
The Railway Board has issued a circular directing the various railway regions including Southern Railway to charge 50 per passenger in addition to the cost of the Sleeper Class fare. The circular states that the extra charges would comprise superfast charges of 30 and an additional charge of 20.
Similar to the special train operated by South Central Railway, the Southern Railway is operating a special train from Kochi to Bhubaneswar, a railway official said